Soft AppealsFor anticipated events (professional or personal) like a planned trip or a highly time-consuming event you can make a soft appeal for a rule exemption. Soft appeals must be made before the week starts. You must earn three votes from the appeals committee of five members to get an exemption.
Hard AppealsFor unexpected events like becoming ill/injured, a death in the family, natural disaster, etc, a hard appeal can be made after scoring below 75%. You must earn all five votes from the appeals committee of five members to get an exemption. Depending on the severity of the reason, you may still be judged on your score for the week. Example: If you sprain your wrist and did not check off your water goals, you likely won't get all five votes.
Appeal CommitteeThe appeals committee is made up of five members and can change from week to week. The members in the committee will be: